Mastering Arknights: Avoiding Common Mistakes for Strategic Success

“Arknights” is a mobile game where strategy and planning are very important. In this game, you need to use your skills to get through different levels and challenges. It’s important to manage your team of characters, each with their own special abilities, and to use your resources like LMD and Orundum wisely. The game mixes parts where you defend your base and grow your team, making smart thinking and good planning a must to do well and enjoy the game.

Overlooking the Importance of Team Composition

A common oversight among players in “Arknights” is focusing too much on the strength of individual operators rather than how they fit into the overall team composition. While having powerful operators is beneficial, the key to success in the game often lies in how well your team works together.

Team Synergy Over Individual Strength:

  • Players might be tempted to choose operators solely based on their power level or rarity. However, an operator’s individual strength doesn’t always translate to effectiveness in every scenario.
  • The way operators complement each other, known as team synergy, is crucial. A well-rounded team that covers various roles can handle a wider range of challenges.

The Need for a Balanced Team:

  • A balanced team typically includes a mix of DPS (Damage Per Second) operators, Tanks, and Healers.
  • DPS operators are essential for dealing damage to enemies. However, without adequate support, they can be overwhelmed.
  • Tanks are crucial for absorbing damage and protecting other team members. They help maintain the team’s frontline.
  • Healers play a vital role in sustaining the team, especially in prolonged battles or stages with high damage output.

Strategic Role Fulfillment:

  • Each operator has a specific role, and understanding these roles is key to creating a balanced team. For instance, some operators are better suited for crowd control, while others excel in single-target damage.
  • Consideration should be given to how an operator’s abilities can be combined with others for maximum effect. For example, a DPS operator can be more effective when paired with a Tank that can protect them or a Supporter that can enhance their abilities.

Mismanaging In-Game Resources

Mismanaging in-game resources like LMD (Lungmen Dollar), Orundum, and other materials is a common pitfall in “Arknights.” These resources are crucial for various aspects of the game, including upgrading operators and building your base. Here’s a look at some common errors and tips on how to manage these resources effectively:

Common Errors in Resource Spending:

  • Overspending on Operator Recruitment: Players often use Orundum excessively on operator gacha pulls, which might not always yield beneficial results, leaving them short of this resource for more guaranteed upgrades.
  • Neglecting Base Upgrades: Sometimes, players overlook the importance of investing in their base, which is a steady source of LMD and other materials.
  • Uneven Operator Upgrades: It’s common to spend resources on leveling up too many operators at once or focusing only on high-rarity operators, leading to a lack of depth in the team.

Prioritizing Resource Allocation:

  • Strategic Operator Upgrades: Prioritize upgrading a core team of operators that can handle a variety of challenges. Balance between upgrading your strongest operators and ensuring you have a well-rounded team.
  • Efficient Use of Orundum: Save Orundum for event banners or operators that will significantly enhance your team, rather than spending it on every new banner.
  • Base Development: Invest in upgrading your base, especially facilities like the factory and trading post, as they provide a continuous income of LMD and materials.
  • Material Farming: Focus on farming stages that drop materials you need for your current upgrade plans. This helps in efficiently using your Sanity, the energy required to play stages.

Long-Term Resource Planning:

  • Plan for Future Needs: Keep in mind the future requirements of your operators and base. Saving resources for high-priority upgrades can be more beneficial than immediate, less impactful spending.
  • Balancing Immediate and Long-Term Goals: While it’s important to address immediate needs, such as upgrading operators for current stages, also consider long-term goals like preparing for high-difficulty content.

Neglecting the Base’s Infrastructure

Neglecting the development of your base’s infrastructure in “Arknights” can significantly slow down your overall game progression. The base is a crucial aspect of the game that, when managed well, becomes a vital source of resources. Here’s why it’s important and how a well-managed base benefits you:

  1. Impact of Neglecting Base Development:
    • A neglected base means missing out on consistent resource generation, crucial for operator upgrades and other gameplay elements. Without a well-developed base, players struggle with a shortage of in-game currencies like LMD (Lungmen Dollar) and materials necessary for progression.
    • Lack of base development also limits the efficiency of other aspects like operator skill training and overall team strengthening, making it challenging to tackle higher-level content.
  2. Benefits of a Well-Managed Base:
    • Steady Resource Flow: A well-developed base generates resources continuously. Facilities like the factory produce materials, while the trading post generates LMD. These resources are essential for leveling up operators, promoting them, and more.
    • Enhanced Operator Efficiency: Certain base facilities, like the dormitories, help in restoring operator morale, which is crucial for maintaining their efficiency in resource production and mission readiness.
    • Additional Perks: Some base facilities offer unique benefits. For example, the workshop allows you to craft special materials, and the power plant is essential for keeping all other facilities operational.
  3. Optimizing Base Layout and Operations:
    • Strategic planning of your base layout can maximize resource generation. Assigning the right operators to appropriate facilities based on their skills increases productivity.
    • Upgrading your facilities when possible further enhances their output, making your resource generation more efficient.

Impulsive Spending on Gacha

The temptation to impulsively spend Orundum on new operators in “Arknights” can be strong, especially with the constant introduction of new and exciting characters. However, impulsive spending can often lead to a depletion of resources without necessarily enhancing your team’s overall effectiveness. A more strategic approach to using the gacha system can yield long-term benefits:

The Drawback of Impulsive Spending:

  • Spending Orundum impulsively on every new operator might result in a collection of operators that you may not need or use. This can lead to a shortage of Orundum when operators more crucial to your team’s composition are released.
  • This approach also limits your ability to invest in other essential aspects of the game, like operator upgrades or base development.

Strategic Use of the Gacha System:

  • Plan Your Pulls: Save Orundum for specific operators that will significantly strengthen your team, especially those that fill roles or abilities your team currently lacks.
  • Prioritize Team Needs: Before spending on the gacha, evaluate your team’s composition and identify any gaps or weaknesses. Focus on operators that would best address these areas.
  • Utilize Events: Often, limited-time events feature exclusive operators or increased chances for certain powerful operators. Saving Orundum for these events can be more rewarding.
  • Balance Rarity and Utility: While higher rarity operators are often more powerful, many lower rarity operators are also highly effective. Balancing your team with a mix of rarities can be a more resource-efficient strategy.

Managing Expectations and Resources:

  • Understand the probabilities in the gacha system. High rarity operators have lower drop rates, so set realistic expectations for your pulls.
  • Allocate a portion of Orundum for strategic pulls while reserving the rest for future use. This helps maintain a balance between trying for new operators and saving for future needs.

“Ignoring Lower Rarity Operators in Arknights: A Strategic Misstep”

Many players in “Arknights” often focus solely on high-rarity operators, overlooking the potential of 3-star and 4-star characters. This common approach misses out on the unique advantages these lower rarity operators provide. They are not only cost-effective for upgrades but also bring specialized skills essential for certain missions. Lower rarity operators are crucial for flexible team strategies and managing resources efficiently, especially for new players. Incorporating a mix of rarities in your team allows for a well-rounded approach to tackle the diverse challenges in “Arknights.” Remember, balancing your team with both high and lower rarity operators can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.

Failing to Adapt Strategies

In the dynamic world of “Arknights,” a common pitfall for many players is the failure to adapt their strategies to the constantly evolving challenges. Each level in this strategic mobile game presents unique obstacles, enemy types, and objectives, requiring a fluid approach to gameplay. Relying on a static strategy can hinder progress, especially as you advance to more complex stages. The game’s design encourages players to think critically and adjust their tactics based on the level’s specific requirements.

For example, a defense-oriented strategy that works well in early stages may not be as effective against later levels with aerial enemies or varied terrain. This underscores the importance of understanding each level’s unique characteristics in “Arknights” and developing a flexible gameplay approach.

To effectively navigate the diverse challenges in “Arknights,” it’s crucial for players to experiment with various operator combinations and be open to revising their strategies. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your operators is key to deploying them effectively against different enemy types and in varied map layouts. Adapting strategies may involve switching from offensive to defensive operators or altering your team composition mid-mission. Success in “Arknights” is not just about having a powerful team but also about strategically utilizing your operators to counter specific challenges. Embracing adaptability, leveraging the unique abilities of your operators, and being willing to modify your approach are essential for conquering the game’s levels. This adaptability not only enhances your gameplay experience but is also pivotal for advancing through the intricate and engaging stages of “Arknights.”

Underestimating the Importance of Operator Skills & Synergies

Underestimating the importance of operator skills and synergies in “Arknights” is a common oversight that can significantly impact a player’s success in the game. Each operator in “Arknights” comes with a unique set of skills and abilities that can dramatically influence the outcome of battles. However, some players tend to focus solely on operator rarity or level, neglecting the strategic potential of these skills and the synergies they can create with other team members.

The key to mastering “Arknights” lies not just in assembling a team of high-level operators, but in understanding and utilizing the unique skills each one brings to the table. These skills can range from area-of-effect attacks, healing, crowd control, to specific buffs or debuffs. Ignoring these abilities can result in missed opportunities to maximize your team’s effectiveness. For instance, an operator’s skill might be particularly effective against a certain type of enemy or in a specific situation, and not leveraging this can make levels unnecessarily challenging.

Moreover, the synergy between different operators’ skills can be a game-changer in “Arknights.” Certain combinations of skills can complement each other, enhancing the team’s overall performance. For example, pairing a tank operator with a healer can significantly increase your team’s staying power, or combining crowd control abilities with high-damage attacks can efficiently clear waves of enemies. Recognizing and leveraging these synergies is crucial in formulating strategies that can handle the game’s diverse challenges.


Poor Planning for Elite Promotions

Poor planning for Elite promotions in “Arknights” is a frequent misstep that can hinder a player’s progress and team effectiveness. Elite promotions are significant milestones in the game, offering substantial enhancements to an operator’s abilities and overall performance. However, without careful planning, players may find themselves facing setbacks.

One common issue is hastily promoting operators without considering the broader impact on the team and resource allocation. Elite promotions require a significant amount of in-game resources like LMD (Lungmen Dollar), experience materials, and specific items unique to each operator. Rushing into these promotions without a strategic plan can lead to a shortage of resources when they’re needed most, potentially stalling progress in other critical areas of the game.

Moreover, prioritizing the wrong operators for promotion can lead to an unbalanced team composition. It’s crucial to consider not only the individual strengths of an operator but also how they fit into and enhance your overall team. Players should evaluate which operators will bring the most benefit in terms of versatility, team synergy, and suitability for the challenges ahead.


In “Arknights,” common missteps include undervaluing lower rarity operators, sticking to rigid strategies, impulsive gacha spending, and poor planning for Elite promotions. Learning from these mistakes is vital. Embrace the diversity and strengths of all operators, adapt strategies to each level, spend resources wisely, and strategically plan Elite promotions. By doing so, players can effectively overcome challenges, manage resources, and build a robust team for success in the game.


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