Project New World Trello Guide [January 2024]

In this article, we are going to provide you Trello and Discord links for Project New World:

Project New World Trello Dscord Game Guide Robolox 2024
Project New World

What is Project New World Trello (Wiki) ?

Project New World now offers a Trello board, an official resource created by developers to provide comprehensive information about the game. This includes guides, tips, tier lists, and more, surpassing what can be covered in a traditional wiki. Additionally, the developers share valuable information on their official Discord server. You can also find the link to the official Discord below, ensuring players have access to a range of helpful resources and community engagement.
Project New World trello has all the info you need about the skills, controls, bosses, abilities, game concept, map,  in-game items, currencies, weapons, game updates, and other things such as clans, races etc.

Project New World Trello official link:

A Trello link is basically a website that guides you to a specific online board. In this digital space, you can visually organize tasks and projects using lists and cards. Each card acts like a designated area where you can input and manage information, while lists help categorize and structure these details for better organization and clarity. It’s a user-friendly way to keep track of various aspects of your work or projects.

Project New World Trello Dscord Game Guide Robolox 2024
Project New World Trello

Please refer to the Project New World Trello Link below:

Project New World Trello Official Link

Game Link

Project New World Discord Link:

A Discord link is a platform that invites people to join a specific group or club on Discord. Discord is a place where people, especially gamers, can chat and hang out online. Server administrators can generate such groups and share link with others to invite them in order to  join a specific server on Discord. These servers can have different communities wherin content related to different aspects of game can be discoverd.

Official Discord

Project New World Trello Dscord Game Guide Robolox 2024
Project New World Discord

Discord Link

Gamers can find the following sections on this Discord Channel :

Discord Rules: These are the rules of behavior on this Discord server, and they must be followed carefully.
Update Log: Gamers will find all the updates that have appeared in the game.
Announcements:  Gamers can find the announcements related to the game.
FAQ: Gamers can find answers to frequently asked questions, YouTube videos and info about other Project New World Discord servers.
Sneaks: Players can find various pictures and videos on the game.
Content: This is the last free section where content creators can share their videos on YouTube or streams.

Project New World – Trello (Game Guide) ?

“Project New World” on Roblox is an adventure-rich role-playing game set in a dynamic open-world environment inspired by various popular anime. In this game, players embark on an expansive journey through a series of islands, each with its unique set of challenges and adventures. The game starts with character creation, allowing players to customize their avatars. As they progress, players can enhance their characters by acquiring new skills, abilities, and equipment, crucial for tackling the increasingly challenging quests and enemies.

The game’s world is filled with a diverse array of quests ranging from combat missions to exploration and puzzle-solving. Completing these quests not only propels the storyline forward but also rewards players with experience points and valuable items, contributing to their character’s growth. Combat is a significant aspect of the gameplay, featuring a blend of physical attacks and unique special abilities. Players face off against various NPCs and can engage in PvP battles, testing their combat skills against other players.

“Project New World” is designed with a strong multiplayer focus, encouraging collaboration and teamwork. Players can join forces with friends or other players, combining their strengths and strategies to overcome complex challenges and formidable opponents. This collaborative gameplay adds an exciting layer to the overall experience.

The game is also characterized by its ever-evolving nature. Regular updates introduce new content, including quests, items, and areas, ensuring a fresh experience for players each time they log in. This dynamic environment keeps the game engaging and appealing to both new and returning players.

Additionally, “Project New World” boasts a vibrant player community. The game promotes player interaction, fostering a sense of camaraderie and competition. Whether teaming up for difficult quests or competing in PvP battles, the community aspect greatly enhances the overall enjoyment of the game.

Overall, “Project New World” offers a compelling combination of adventure, combat, and role-playing, set against the backdrop of an anime-inspired world. It’s an ideal game for players who enjoy immersive exploration, character development, and engaging in interactive, collaborative gameplay on the Roblox platform.


What is Project New World?

“Project New World” is an adventurous Roblox game inspired by the “One Piece” anime series. Set in a pirate-themed world, it allows players to explore vast seas, discover islands, and engage in naval and land battles. Players can choose roles like pirate or marine, each offering a unique gameplay experience.

How do I start playing Project New World?

The game begins with character creation, where you can choose your role and customize your avatar. As a new player, you’ll start on an island and undertake initial quests that introduce you to the game’s mechanics. These quests cover basics like navigation, combat, and interaction with NPCs.

What are the main objectives in Project New World?

Players aim to level up by completing quests, defeating enemies, and discovering new territories. As you progress, you unlock new abilities, items, and areas to explore. The game also features special events and challenges that contribute to the overall objectives.

Can I play with my friends in Project New World?

Yes, the game has a strong multiplayer component. You can form crews with friends, engage in group battles, and collaborate on quests. This social aspect enhances the fun and strategic elements of the game.

Are there different skills or abilities in Project New World?

Players have access to a variety of skills and abilities, some of which are inspired by the “One Piece” series. These include combat techniques, special moves, and unique powers. Skills and abilities can be improved and customized as you progress.

Is there a way to upgrade or customize my character?

Customization and upgrades are key features. You can enhance your character’s abilities, acquire new equipment, and change your appearance. Upgrades are achieved through in-game currency, items, and experience points.

How does combat work in the game?

Combat in “Project New World” involves a mix of melee attacks, special abilities, and tactical moves. It requires strategy and skill, as different enemies and players pose various challenges. The combat system is designed to be engaging and allows for creative fighting styles.

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